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Game Loop

A game loop is the backbone of your game. It loops around, and every frame re-draws the screen.

But first we need to initialise the window:

fun main() { w = Window(20, 20) }

This creates the window, with a width and height of 20. It'll just be blank at the moment though.

Next, every frame, the game loop needs to do 3 things:

  1. clear the screen

  2. re-draw the scene

  3. and then update the screen (or, terminal)

  4. Finally, wait for a bit.

Here is some code to do this:

fun main() { w = Window(20, 20) while(true) { w.clear() // Code to draw stuff w.printScreen() Thread.sleep(100) } }

In this snippet, the while(true) repeats indefinitely, w.clear() clears the screen, and w.printScreen() updates the terminal.

If there was any code to draw something in // Code to draw stuff, then there would be something on the screen.

Now, lets do some interesting stuff.

Last modified: 12 December 2023